I'm not big on reading, and I'm not OD syced about writing, but ever since creating this blog and ATBAB (AIN'T THAT BOUT A BITCH - http://aintthatboutabitch.blogspot.com check it out ) I've slowly realized that writing can be therapeutic like shit......... So a few years ago I was goin through some shit and normally when I go through shit wit youngins I start to recite poetry (weird as shit, but w/e). Anyways recent shit has reminded me of one that I actually wrote down (I usually say them in my head and keep it movin). Soooo without further adieu>
Dre day all day that's what they call him now, it used to be dre, andre , and some hoes even called him noel. But now it's that nigga dre day, that muhfucka, the wifen up king, the nigga ain't got game but something he sayin to these bitches got them feining for him somethin mean. He never asks for that shit, listenin to his fahva should have him thinkin meet a girl, move on, and don't wife up no bitch. And though he never said the word verbally or mentally bitch tends to sum up what these girls be eventually. The story tends to be textbook, he meets the girl, they rap, he feeds her some lines to get her head where it needs to be at, then he stands back, cause dre day chasin some female OH WHAT A DAY THAT WOULD BE. She comes just as planned almost instinctively wanting to know about dre day and think to her self where can him and me be. And he be damned if he spends some money on slim, dinner and a movie may be straight but fuck if diamonds are this bitches best friend. Don't get him wrong he ain't doggin anyone and he ain't tryna wife up a soul, dre day ain't lookin for no bun, he doesn't force her nor the ones before her to be the one, he don't tie a bungee cord around these hoes wastes and say, aright joe now run. He genuinely cares about these girls, not on the level they want, but nonethless he makes them happy, believin their the one, always remindin him that dre day your the only one I want, forever. And it's not as if he doesn't feel the same way towards them, but young.... FOR EVER. Dre day got a plan for life but in his mind girl you ain't right, I mean we cool for tonight, and the next ,and the next, but shit you tryna occupy the rest of his life. But he follows the plan cause he doesn't believe shittin on a girl is right, and to see her cry ,someone he considers a friend, may ruin his life... so he moves on like he does every time, though it may not be his ideal in mind, he thinks to his self lets see what she's got planned for her and I. But on some no bullshit this task she trying to accomplish is some bullshit, she has no idea what or who she's getting involved with. Cause what she don't know is that dre day has a wall as wide as berlin, and as tall as the one near bejing. Not that he want's to have this guard, but like an old wives tale, he's been through this story before. Met a girl, thought she was like noone he's seen before.... and i bet we can guess where he ended up. Hurt, and depressed , like his heart was beatin up. Cause guess what? Slim turned out to be a slore, you know a slut and whore. But how dumb would a country be if it didn't prepare and make measures against going through another war. And he doesn't have a NATO to speak wit, get him to take down his wall brick for brick, all dre day got is him. And though he wants to get married and have kids he knows when he dies all that's goin to be there is him...... dre muhfuckin day. That nigga dre will curse his girl out with the same breath and furiosity that he does with every body else. And it's not to shit on her but all he can think is, this is me. I'm an asshole nigga and if you cross me like a newly fucked virgin this ass can get bigger. And I hope you don't figure I'm forcing you to be here, cause slim you can role cause their will always be some rolla and some hoe who can fill your spot. Cause I'm not sellin crack but youngin there's somethin I got. And he moves on everytime wit his wall and playin this almost endless game. But one fuckin day, dre day met Jane, what are the odds, not even those bitches from Macbeth could predict this shit. Cause the girl, betta yet woman he wishes he would meet just waltzed her ass in to his life. And all he can wonder is how long this could be. Cause it's not sunny all week , knamtambout, but jane got dre day thinkin he's livin in the desert cause all he seein is clear skies. He finds himself fixated with her eyes, wanting to be between her thighs, thinkin that next to his muhva your the only woman i want in my life. J-A-N-E a name sweeter than that doesn't exist believe me. Yeah she might not be perfect but to dre day can't no female be as perfect as she. And you know dre got something like crack and is constantly getting new feinds, but jane got him turning them away, straightenin his life up and workin at wendys. And he could care less, cause he got the best, and bitch could never cross his mind next to any thought of jane, cause a bitch is a dog and jane is an angel. And guess what? she got him wantin to buy her diamond necklaces and bangles. And yeah dre is an asshole he struggles with it erryday. Got jane wondering if he can respect her, or at least correct it in anyway. And though it took some time he's beginning to tear down his wall. Cause a women who is giving him her heart deserves his all. Brick by brick he tears this seemingly endless barrier. And brick by brick he forms a glass box for his heart as a present for the one he doesn't want to be apart from. His love, his white dove, vision from heaven. I guess you can say a gift for a gift from above. And why not she deserves that and so much more.. But the farther the wall comes down the more the weather tends to appear foggy. He tries to send a flashlight SOS to get some feedback but it seems that noone cares to respond, and believe me he doesn't want to give up on what could be cause he's trying to take the two countries, her and I, and make them we. So he's takin this love he has for Jane creatin bridges and roads to her heart and, prayin that she doesn't put up road blocks cause she is IT. The one who got his soul and heart.
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