Shit.... like a month ago I went to a Wale' show at the 9 30 club, and as usual there were a rack of openers. Only joints I was there to see were Tabi Bonney, Walé and UCB so during the 3 or whatever number of other bammas that came on before I was just at the bar rappin and drinkin on henny and coke, and cran and vodka. This one set had the whole club rockin, which is weird. Anyone who's been to a live show in DC knows that if your not the "main attraction" it's almost impossible to get the people to feel you, but there was somethin about him that had everyone feeling it. Then Tabi started crankin and Walé and UCB started and I forgot all about this man.
Yesterday my friend Xio (Cee-o) syced me with this mixtape "Starting on JV". I'm not gonna fake I was skeptical. Wat got me to even consider it was the lil youtube joint of "Gimme Dat". Just hearin that joint it's undeniable that slim has skill, so I got home and downloaded his freshman mixtape. Started this joint when I walked out of my apt this morning going to the7-3 (I don't rock wit 9-5s). Since then I've listened to this tape 3 times so far (You may say that's not alot but I've replayed each song at least 4 times each time i've replayed the cd).
A lil background on Phil Adé. He's a American-Nigerian from Maryland. Similar to Walé(Comparisons start). Yet his style is different at least with the choice of joints he decided to put on this tape. His flow to me is reminescent of a tribe called quest and that whole era of hip hop in my opinion. He's signed to Raheem Devaughn (grammy nominated artist from DC) and his indie label under jive.
As of now slim has a fan in me, and I'll pass his mixtape around to people I kno who fuck wit real hip-hop. It's good to see that Walé isn't the only real rap artist comin out of the area (I fuck wit EMP, Kingpin slim, and Ice da villian), but this youngin to me has wat it takes to break out like Walé did. Check the video and you'll see wat I'm talkin about, download the mixtape. This shit cranks
Phil Ade Starting on JV
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